The Only 3 Things You Actually “Need” for Sustainable Fat-Loss
No, not cardio, intermittent fasting, or quitting carbs

Today’s sea of B.S. (overcomplicated) fat-loss advice boils my blood.
Trendy restrictive diets. Endless cardio and spine-straining crunches. Hard-to-pronounce supplements. Wallet-burning fat burners. Artificial (and fatal) liposuction.
None of that is necessary (or optimal).
Who am I to claim so?
Someone who lost 50+ lbs, built a six-pack physique, and maintained it (almost) year-round for 3+ years now.

At its core, (sustainable) fat loss is ridiculously simple — its whole essence distills down to only 3 things:
- The Right Calorie Deficit — research has repeatedly proven that an energy deficit is the sole “necessary” factor for fat loss — a nutrition professor lost 27 lbs with a junk-only diet to prove this!
- (Hormonal) Health Protection — while you “can” lose fat eating solely junk, it’ll murder your health and hormones. That’s where realistic & balanced nutrition (and workouts) come in.
- Slow is Fast — the faster you lose fat, the more you wreck your hormones and mental health — and the more likely you’ll rebound. This is what happens in 90% of cases!

If this sounds simple, that’s because it is! But simple doesn’t sell. That’s why the fitness industry uses overcomplication and misinformation to fatten its $150 billion pockets.
But these 3 “simple” things still have nuances and need actionable steps.
That’s what we’ll cover — from the angles of nutrition, workout, recovery, and supplementation.
How to Pick, Set, & Track the Right Calorie Deficit
An aggressive deficit kills your muscles, metabolism, and mind. But a low deficit leads to snail-pace fat loss. The key is the right calorie deficit:
- The 300–1000 Optimal Daily Deficit Range — skinny-fat? Choose a 300–400 deficit. Chubby to overweight? 500–750. Obese? 1000. Err on the lower side.
- Forget Losing “X Kilos in Y Days” — let your chosen (optimal) deficit take its time. Have a weight goal — but don’t time-bound it.
- Calculate Your Daily Calorie Target. Subtract your chosen calorie deficit from your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) — the result is your daily target.
- Track Your Calorie Intake. Track the foods and beverages you consume with MyFitnessPal or HealthifyMe. Weigh food and ingredients with a kitchen scale. Don’t stray beyond 50-100 calories of your daily target.
- Don’t Nitpick Over Meal-wise Calories, Macros, and Micros. Focus solely on your daily calorie goal — and strike an enjoyable balance.
- Log Your Weight Daily in MyFitnessPal. Daily fluctuations are normal. Fret not. Look at the weekly average — decreasing? Do nothing. Stalled? Drop your daily intake by 100–150 calories. Increasing? Drop by 200–300.
Lose Fat — Not Your Health, Hormones, And Sanity
- Sleep at Least 8 Hours. Sleep deprivation will destroy your libido, brain cells, fat-loss efforts, and more. Sleep like it’s your job — because it is!
- Prioritize Strength Training. Through muscle gain and EPOC, strength training can torch more fat than cardio. Use one of the Aesthetic Vault’s 9 routines—perform 40–60% fewer sets for best recovery. Working out at home? Use the 15-Minute Bod.
- Avoid Excess Cardio. Too much cardio torches muscle mass along with the fat — leaving you near-anorexic, not ripped. Do moderate to no cardio — only as a supplement to your strength routine.
- No More Cheat Meals. Cheat meals are “escapes” from intolerable diets. Instead, enjoy your meals with the 75/25 rule — 75% whole foods such as nuts, meat, milk, veggies, fruits, and eggs. 25% whatever you crave.
- Prioritize Protein and Healthy Fats. Consume 0.8–1g protein per lb of your body weight daily to avoid muscle loss. Eat healthy fat sources like nuts, eggs, and fish for optimal hormones.
- Avoid Fat-Burners Like the Plague. While most are fancy trash, some are lethal chemicals — causing heart disease and cooking organs from within.
- Stop Lifting Your Shirt Every 5 Minutes. Fat loss (like fat gain) takes time. So, focus on the process — and forget the results. Take daily photos, though — for an epic transformation video and nostalgia later on.
- Down 3–4 L of Water Daily To reduce appetite, enhance digestion, and increase metabolism— aka better fat loss. Lug along a gallon water bottle wherever you go.
- [OPTIONAL] Consider Supplementing — Whey if you’re unable to hit your protein goals. A Multivitamin if your diet lacks veggies and fruits. Fish Oil for healthy fats. Caffeine (or coffee) as a pre-workout. Creatine for strength and endurance. Forget all other supplements.
Patience Is the Greatest (Fat-Loss) Virtue
The simplest of them all — and the hardest of them all:
- Set Realistic Expectations — You won’t end up like Kumail Nanjiani or Zac Efron — that’s steroids + PEDs + Photoshop + lighting + camera angles. Watch Nick’s 10-year journey and Alex Leonidas’ fat loss for realistic expectations.
P.S. The video below reveals the tricks most“transformations” use to portray unrealistic results.
- Snap Progress Photos Daily, But — check them out only every 2–3 weeks. The visible progress fuels motivation like no other. Nothing changes in 5 minutes — but everything does in 5 weeks or months.
- Sustainability >> Speed — “Too hard” dieting or workouts will burn you out. Align your fat-loss progress with your needs and liking. No hurry.
You didn’t gain all that fat in a day — neither will you lose it in one.
Trust the process and stay patient. That beach-ready body is on the way!
Lose Fat Once — and Maintain Forever…
Slow fat loss gives your mind and body time to “adapt” to the new normal. You’ll now only need to “ease” yourself from deficit to maintenance:
- Bump Your Calorie Intake up by 200 calories every week until you hit your new maintenance. Similarly, bump back up your training volume to normal.
- Continue eating (mostly) clean, sleeping 8 hours, and working out — it’s your lifestyle now. Stay strict for the first 6–8 months — once Homeostasis “rewires,” you can afford to loosen a bit.
- Enjoy the fat-free life — 3–4 weekly workouts, sound sleep, intuitive eating, and staying active are all you need to stay fat-free. That’s it.
Folks will call it “unfair” — but it’s mere lifetime returns from the fat-loss effort and time YOU invested.