I Used to Hate Selling — One Tiny Inversion Made It Fun and Effective

An ethical win-win way to boost sales, trust, and contentment

I Used to Hate Selling — One Tiny Inversion Made It Fun and Effective
Generated with Leonardo AI (Edited in Canva)

“Target your prospects’ deepest fears and desires.”

“Pressure them with countdown timers, limited spots, and fake discounts.”

“Charge as much as you possibly can.”

Feeling exploitive and predatory, selling and sales “tactics” would repel me.

Born marketers couldn’t relate. Well-meaning mentors tried to cast it in a positive light. Sympathizers told me to bear it as a “necessary evil.”

Glued to my moral high horse, I kept my newsletter sales-free.

But the FOMO sea of #grateful Stripe screenshots online? And the painful knowledge that I could hit or even cross those numbers?

They’d make me squirm with resentment.

Whenever this hit critical mass, I’d retaliate with a spam campaign — needy emails infested with hyperlinks.

Screenshots of such needy hard-selling emails where the smell of neediness is palpable
You can smell the neediness (All screenshots and photos henceforth are by the author)

The result?

Paltry sales. Plenty of unsubscribes. Shaken trust. Worsened fear and dislike of sales — then, a no-selling season of resentment-building…

Until it hit critical mass again.

This miserable loop made me all but give up on selling. But then, I stumbled across Justin C Scott and his spiritual approach to online business.

Craving 1-on-1 access to Justin, I joined his Academy and unburdened my sales woes. Of all his advice, one sentence seared itself into my mind:

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