3 Genius Marketing Moves Spiritual Places Astonished Me With

And 12 ethical ways to boost your sales, branding, and marketing with them

3 Genius Marketing Moves Spiritual Places Astonished Me With
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Snake oil salesmen with slicked-back hair, shady promises, and sly grins.

That’s the image “Sales & Marketing would invoke in my mind.

But spiritual places flipped that image — through clever, creative, and ethical moves that proved…

  • You could sell (big) without false promises, manipulation, and predatory tactics…
  • “Sales & Marketing” can (and should) be a creative win-win for buyers and sellers.

I want to share 3 such moves — and 12 ideas to upgrade your sales, marketing, and branding with them. Did I mention illustrative visuals and a bonus 4th “move”?

I’ll also sprinkle in intriguing tidbits, photos, and facts about these spiritual places.

With no further ado, let’s dive into “When God Met Sales…”

The Power of Synergistic All-Round Integration

Rinsing my plate, I smirked at the Sri Sri Ujjiyara dishwash liquid.

“Sri Sri Ravishankar ji is a genius entrepreneur first, spiritual guru next.” I mused.

The lush Art Of Living (AOL) Bangalore ashram had Ravi Ji’s handprints everywhere.

Sri Sri Tattva tuck shops. Stalls selling Ojasvita shakes. Swanky Byogi mannequins. Sumeru’s vacation packages. Glistening Shankara jewellery.

Collage of AOL’s different products and offerings across AOL’s campus
Collage made with BeFunky (Image source: AOL website)

AOL epitomized all-around integration — from humble roach repellants to lofty meditation chambers.

✡ Intriguing Fact: AOL’s integration isn’t “commercial”. the proceeds go into running 1200+ free schools, rejuvenating rivers, serving millions of free meals, and more.

Catering to visitors’ 360° needs → Higher revenue → More social impact.

A win-win-win.

3 Ways to Implement Synergistic Integration

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