3 Deep Nuanced Insights from A Destructive Car Accident

And 9 unique & actionable ways to implement them in real-life

3 Deep Nuanced Insights from A Destructive Car Accident
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“Not me. Not me. Not me…”, my mind chanted in disbelief.

Smashing the EV hatchback into an oak, my SUV’s left rose in a side wheelie.

Slamming back onto the tarmac, my Tucson’s ABS began beeping. Paralyzed by fear, I floored the accelerator — only to hear the left front wheel weeping.

“Not me. Not me. Not me…”, the hypnotic mental loop persisted.

But the undeniable reality refused to change.

The Confusing Nature of “Good” and “Bad” Luck

As I returned to the scene and my senses, the illusion of luck baffled me.

Was it bad luck that the victim EV got trashed so badly? Or good luck that it had comprehensive insurance?

Bad luck that the furious EV driver nearly hit me? Or good luck that he was unharmed and agreed to claim his insurance — and not rob me at collar point?

Bad luck that my “regular” insurance would cover only 40% of my SUV’s repair costs? Or good luck that I’d chosen a regular policy over third-party-only?

The line is already blurry — extrapolating into the future erases it.

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